Patch Notes v0.1.1

Patch Notes 0.1.1

- Fixed Level 2 & 3 starting with a Frozen timescale. It is now starting as it should.

- Added the Intro cutscene with the skateboard.

- Added a Script that align the rotation of the Catball to be aligned to any object with the "Map" sorting layer (Need some changes).

- Fixed the Constant Rolling Sound playing as long as the ball is moving. Added a If statement that activate the sound only when the ball is moving on an object with the "map" sorting layer.

- Reworked the Tilt script and made a new one, "MapController". This one use the New Input System for bindings and 4 extra inputs that move the map in each direction to add more movement options with the base tilt controls that are no longer inverted.

- There has been complaint about the camera being zoomed on the cat creating a little bit of dizziness, i updated the camera so it is now using the cinemachine to add behaviours for a smoother camera (i might have to update the backgrounds).

- Main Menu UI scaling issues fixed.

- InGame UI updated for any screen size.

- Volume sliders no longer are at a value of 0 by default and switched to 1.

- Fixed the problem with the tilt in certain maps. The Parent gameObject with the script was far to the right of the Tilemap thus making the tilt turn around the far away parent.

- Added a countdown of 3 sec before a level start.

- Added a medals system that will show up a specific medal depending on the time spent to complete the level.


Ball of Cathulhu Play in browser
Jul 20, 2023

Get The Ball of Cathulu

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